Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshops
These are a selection of workshops created for various clients. All workshops are custom-made for the client.
DEI 101: Language, Power, and Privilege
Do I Belong?: Challenging Microaggressions in the Workplace
My Body, My Life: Centering Body Positivity in a World full of Haters
The Poverty Mindset: How Socioeconomics Separates Us All
Unfinished Business: Gender Equity for All
Whiteness in the Workplace
why did I think that?: Dismantling Implicit Bias
Pop Culture Workshops
These are a selection of workshops created for various clients. All workshops are custom-made for the client.
AfroFuturism: The Search for Black Genius
Black Panther, Octavia Butler, & AfroFuturism
I’ve Survived Wars: Healing through Writing and Dialogue
Meeting Octavia: Drawing wisdom and healing from unconventional sources
Queering Afrofuturist Timelines: Centering ourselves in the future
Additional Consulting Services
Consulting Services offered:
Group Dialogue Facilitator
Affinity Group Facilitator (white women affinity groups, Black affinity groups, and Biracial affinity groups)
DEI Retreat Facilitator
Fiction Workshop Facilitator